We are a Kingdom driven, Christ-centered, Multicultural Multi-generational Ministry, raising leaders and transforming lives by “Connecting People Back to God” through the Gospel and Power of Jesus Christ.
Open Door Worship Center Inc. is a Word Fed; Spirit Led Prophetic Ministry committed to building and leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Endeavoring to win souls, make disciples and create an environment where people are encouraged, equipped, empowered, and challenged to be impactful in their communities and live a life of wholeness in all areas of their personal lives.
Matthew 28:19-20 – Ephesians 4:11-13
Bishop Deon and Prophetess Fannette Douglas have been spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over 35 years. Open Door Worship Center Inc. (The Door) is a teaching, prophetic, healing and deliverance ministry, that preaches holiness and righteousness through Christ Jesus. Their number one priority is to bring Glory to God. Bishop and Prophetess Douglas possess a unique charge, inspiring believers to become effective in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging them to remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. (1 Co 15:58)